01732 711634 TONBRIDGE
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We can take donations through JustGiving and Bank Transfer, just click the button above. When donating please reference it with your name followed with DONATION so we can locate it in our account.
If you are a tax payer, please fill out our Gift Aid Form, which can be found in the "Forms & Resources" section, and email it to us at office@babons.org.uk
Thank you from the team at Babons Cancer Support
Practical Support
Supporting the Cancer Community
Emotional Support
Cancer can have a massive impact on so many areas of life. Talking to someone 1:1 can be of great benefit. As well as this, meeting others in similar situations can help with not feeling so isolated and alone. At Babons, our aim is to provide a safe, confidential and supportive environment for people impacted by cancer, to meet with others who understand just how life changing cancer can be. We do this through our Drop-In Listening Support, Cancer Café’s, 1:1 counselling, and support groups.
At Babons, we understand how important it is to have the right equipment to manage symptoms and side effects of cancer, and treatments for cancer. Babons is committed to building a signposting log of local support services where the cancer community of Tonbridge can access equipment and practical support.
How this works:
1). If there’s something you need, ask us. If we can put you in touch with someone who can meet that need, we’ll do so. If we don’t know, we’ll do what we can to find out! We can’t solve everything, but we’ll do what we can!
2) Babons seeks to work in partnership with local support services who can help. If you’ve got a service that can support the cancer community of Tonbridge, please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you!
Financial Support
Cancer isn’t simply about the physical impact on a person’s body. It can have far reaching consequences in other parts of life too. At Babons, we understand that financial difficulties can arise as a result of a cancer diagnosis, causing further pressure, stress and worry at a time that is already very difficult.
Babons works in partnership with people who provide Benefits and Debt Advice, P.I.P and Blue Badge Applications, and support with other areas of financial worry.
End of Life Information
No one wants to hear the words ‘end of life’, but Babons understands that this will be the reality for some people facing cancer. It’s a very difficult thing to accept, let alone talk about. As well as providing emotional support for those facing this difficult time, Babons is working on an information guide that includes terminology, useful questions to ask, helpful local contacts, and other information that we know won’t take away the pain of what you’re going through, but we hope might empower you and help you navigate this particularly tough road. If you think this might be helpful, please ask us about it.